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SdP --> The Show   Storyline   Dutch language version   Differences SdP/BotP   Sound   The media   SdP merchandise


Kiap and Prinses

The whole story was about a team of five people, called G-Force (in Dutch Giefors or Giefors-team, an awful translation 'cause it means nothing - it's just the Dutch way to pronounce G-Force). This team fights against evil forces in space that want to take over Earth. The G-Force members are Mark, Jason, Princess (Dutch: Prinses), Keyop (Dutch: Kiap) and Tiny (Dutch: Taini). I'm not gonna tell you about their characters here 'cause other websites do that very well. You can for example go to Home of the White Shadow for detailed character information. If you want to see some of them check out the Gatchaman Links List under 'Shrines to particular characters'.
There are even websites dedicated to the individual team members and their enemies.

G-Force is under guidance of chief Anderson (Dutch: chef Anderson). One of their weapons is their space ship, called Phoenix (Dutch: Feniks) that can change into a firebird.
The G-Force members were superheroes but none of them was perfect. They had tensions regularly and this made it interesting to follow the series. Mark, Jason, Princess, Keyop en Tiny all had quite a clear character and the more you saw of the series, the better you got to know them. Unforunately we never saw all episodes in the Netherlands. Once you got to know the characters a little better the series stopped.

The biggest enemy of G-Force and Earth was planet Spectra. Ruler Great Spirit (Dutch: Grote Meester) gave orders to Zoltar who had to conquer Earth. The Great Spirit had made him the boss of Spectra.
A lot of the story is told by robot 7-Zark-7 (Dutch: Comp 7). From Centre Neptune (Dutch: Centrum Neptunus) at the bottom of the ocean he keeps in touch with G-Force.

SdP --> The Show   Storyline   Dutch language version   Differences SdP/BotP   Sound   The media   SdP merchandise

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